
I have studied painting for 5 years at the Academy of art in the City of Zagreb, Croatia. I have my master degree since 2004. I paint oil on canvas for 15 years since I left the Academy. Last 16 years I have painted portraits and self portraits in some unrealistic backgrounds and oils of the cities. Had 6 independent exhibitions by now.

Independent exhibition

2018. Gallery CEKAO, Zagreb

2018. Gallery Događanja, Zagreb

2013. Gallery Matice Hrvatske, Zagreb

2007. Gallery Škola, Zagreb, Zagreb

2006. Gallery Anima, Zaprešić, Zagreb

2005. Kamanjinovi dvori, Sutivan

Group exhibition

2019. Painting Biennale, Zagreb

2013. Painting Biennale , Zagreb

2011. Painting Biennale, Zagreb

2005. Internal structures, International festival of the theaters of the blind persons, Zagreb   

2000. Gallery SC, annual of ALU-a, Zagreb

1999. Museum Mimara, Pasionska baština, Zagreb

1998. Klovićevi dvori, Pasionska baština, Zagreb

1997. Church St. Jakov, Hvar